Mungkin benar apa yang dibilang Sukab pada Alina. "Di dunia ini semua orang sibuk berkata-kata tanpa pernah mendengar kata-kata orang...
Kau dan Delusi
Terbiasa dinilai dan aku tidak lagi peduli. Bukan merajuk, tapi hati sudah mati. Hormat tak bermaksud kau prioriti. Tanpa sedar kau...
" Apapun cita-cita yang kamu punya, jangan kamu bunuh. Kerana sekeras-kerasnya kamu pukul, nanti pas tua, dia bangkit lagi dalam bentuk...
It's Easy
It's easy That's what they said what's so hard in doing that? That's what they said The fact is It is not easy The fact is It is hard My...
. . she saw the world pretending. to love what they don't. to be what they aren't. to please the strangers. she wonder, should she too,...
The more you learn, the deeper you realize that there are so many things you don't know.
Only Allah know how much i want to be like those people who have so many stories to tell and experience to share. Adventure doesn't need...
All I Wish
Sat by the ocean All I saw was 'peace' All I heard was 'calmness' All I felt was myself And all I wish It would last longer - Seger...
Make up
Are people putting on make-up to be confident, or They are confident when they put on some make up? Regards, Mira #makeup #confidence...
May or may not
i may or i may not lead the right way in my life i may or i may not made the right decision i may or i may not be good enough i may or i...